Saturday, November 18, 2023

Membrane Legacy 1.3


Dear Diary,
I am haunted by the nightmare again. The dreamscape is visceral, it feels like I am truly back in that body. It's the same chain of events in my other entries, just the way I remembered them in waking life, in the child's body. It starts out the same way as always. I am in my bedroom reading The Pocket Guide to Mathematical Logic under the covers. For some reason I felt nervous tonight, it was taking me a while to fall asleep.

After some period of time I am able to fall asleep. My sleep is fitful, full of flashing images and sensations. Something is guiding me through the vision. The smell of peroxide.. Cold hard metal.. It all feels real but I am in a state of complete delirium, like I am watching my body from the outside.

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