Saturday, November 18, 2023

Membrane Legacy 1.2


Professor Membrane does not like to speak about the Incident that occurred when he was a child, but it had radicalized him. An Incident that would slowly unravel the material world around him and isolate him from everything and everyone he had ever known. Daily life at his job in FutureSim Labs became increasingly hard, prone to angry and sometimes violent outbursts, Professor began to upset and scare everyone around him. The ostracization only made things worse. Due to this, he was forcibly "offered" a job at a new branch, a FutureSim chemistry laboratory in Oasis Springs.

Despite the exciting new job, the stress had begun to get to Professor- it began to eat away at his already feeble hold on the tangible world. No matter, Professor had one goal in mind at the new lab and he would stop at nothing to achieve it.

A found diary entry from Professor Membrane reads:

Dear Diary,
Today's work is of utmost importance. I plan to work on the final steps in synthesizing the food serum. The strawberries in the lobby entryway have finally ripened and it is time for me to begin the extraction of their bioactive compounds. If all goes correctly, I will be able to create a non-perishable food source capable of ingestion in space. I can tell that my coworkers are disturbed by my fervent work, by my knowledge. I can hear their gossip in the breakroom, even more deafening is the sudden silence that comes when I walk in.

Professor was so lost in his fantasies of traversing space that he nearly did not notice the searing heat and smell of burning fabric. Something had clearly gone awry with the machine, the machine that Professor used every day, 5 days a week. The machine that had never given him trouble before. As he became engulfed in flames, his unintelligble screaming alerted his new coworkers who took their sweet time returning to the lab.

Instead of concern, Professor's coworkers treated him with contempt, as if it were a nuisance that they had to come extinguish him. To them, Professor was but a pathetic new hire who obviously didn't understand how to safely operate the chemistry station. Considering he possessed a degree in organic chemistry from the Foxbury Institute, this deeply offended him. These people were clearly not on his side, and he did not trust them.

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